An E11even Management Company
As per BC Soccer's stay and play policy, ALL out of town teams are required to book at one of the Provincial B Cup host hotels.
We have coordinated a range of options for you to choose from. We would recommend that you book the option that best suits your team’s needs ASAP as once selections are gone, you will need to choose from something else that is available. More hotel options may come online at a later date, but this is not guaranteed.

Teams can only book hotels once qualification for the event has happened. Teams who book/hold rooms before qualification will be removed from the system.
All teams must request their rooms by email us HERE (no exceptions) Please Include in the email:
Team name​
Age group
Number of rooms needed
1st and 2nd choice of hotels from the ones listed below.
Teams who contact the hotel directly will have their reservation removed.
All teams will be allocated 8 rooms (per BC Soccer). You can request more but additional rooms will be allocated based on availability.
Once you have set up a block of rooms you/your team can pick up rooms through the link you will be provided when you set up the block. If you have any questions or can not find the link to pick up your rooms email us HERE
Hotels Are Listed Below with available rooms and hotel information.